Symptom checker websites may be a quick and easy alternative to scheduling a doctor’s appointment, but there’s a much better way to get a diagnosis online.
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Symptom checker websites may be a quick and easy alternative to scheduling a doctor’s appointment, but there’s a much better way to get a diagnosis online.
Read more >Playing video games can be a healthy hobby for both children and adults if you understand which games to play and when to play them.
Read more >No matter where you travel in the modern world, you’ll never be lost if you have a smartphone or tablet in hand. Here are some of the best apps for travelers.
Read more >Technology can enhance virtually every aspect of your life, including your health! Here are some tech tools that can help keep your allergy symptoms at bay.
Read more >ALS patients living in rural areas can now connect with physicians using telemedicine, allowing for a unique opportunity to receive uncompromised care.
Read more >Activity trackers range from $50 to $200, so they can be quite an investment. Consider these differences when deciding which tracker will fit your needs.
Read more >“Webside manner” is the new bedside manner – to have a successful patient visit, doctors need to combine their medical knowledge with technology skills.
Read more >While many college campuses are very safe, stay prepared for any situation and keep the crime statistics low at your school by using these modern tips for personal safety.
Read more >Stay on track with your health and fitness goals by embracing technology as part of your health routine. Here are some of the most highly rated apps to help you achieve your wellness goals.
Read more >Researchers are already assessing Glass’ effectiveness in healthcare settings, and results look promising for both patients and providers.
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